
Dr Vincent de Parades
Head Doctor
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The Proctology department is managed by Dr Vincent De Parades.

In 2018 Paris Saint-Joseph Hospital set up its rectal disease research institute. The proctology institute is the largest in France with 3,000 to 4,000 operations per year, 80% of these as out-patients. The department’s objective is to develop the shortest possible treatment duration including rapid observation times without reducing treatment safety. These rapid treatment protocols are proposed for certain conditions (genital warts, fistula, etc.).

The institute operates as an organisation of departments specialised in the medical and surgical treatment of anal and rectal conditions. It proposes all related treatments and tests, including the most innovative available.

We apply a multidisciplinary approach involving cooperation between a number of different departments (gastroenterology, gynaecology, urology, medical imaging and oncology) to treat pelvic floor muscle conditions, incontinence, perineum injuries, Crohn’s disease as well as anal and rectal cancer.

The institute’s strengths and stand-out characteristics :

  • Global, medical and surgical treatment of diseases affecting the anus and the rectum.
  • The most innovative techniques are applied, including post-operative wound closure (VAC therapy). It is also the only centre that proposes laser treatment for haemorrhoid conditions and complex fistula (FiLaC ®).
  • Optimal care for post-operative pain.
  • 7 day admission of proctology emergencies, reception capacity of 10 to 20 patients without appointments per day.

Important figures

  • France’s leading centre of its kind
  • 3,000 to 4,000 operations per year, 80% of which are out-patient
  • 13 senior practitioners (all doctors or surgeons), 3 assistants, 4 to 5 interns, 2 externs and numerous students.

The main diseases treated

  • Haemorrhoid conditions
  • Pelvic floor muscle conditions
  • Incontinence
  • Crohn’s disease related ano-perineal injuries 
  • Cancers affecting the anus and rectum
  • Anal pus
  • Anal fissures

Techniques used

  • Post-operative wound closure techniques (VAC therapy)
  • Laser treatment of haemorrhoid conditions and complex fistula (FiLaC ®)