Personal Data Protection

During your treatment, the healthcare professional or institution will supervise your medical file which contains personal data concerning you. Your file will be digitised, the data included therein will be used exclusively by the department or departments concerned and will not be accessible to anyone who is not subject to professional confidentiality. The healthcare professional or institution will use MSSanté, a secure healthcare messaging system, and Terr-eSanté, the service and exchange platform of the Ile de France regional healthcare agency, to exchange your personal data — notably the data contained in your medical files — securely with any other duly authorised healthcare professionals involved in your treatment.

Your medical and administrative treatment files each constitute a personal data processing act for which the Fondation Hôpital Paris Saint Joseph will be responsible.

The data included in your medical file is processed for preventive medical, medical diagnostic and care or treatment administration purposes. The data included in your administrative file is processed to facilitate health insurance and top-up insurance formalities for your treatment.

The data processed will concern your health condition and only that strictly necessary for your medical treatment and the administration thereof. The data will be destined only for those healthcare professionals who are authorised to access your medical file. The data in your medical file will be kept in an active database for five years as of your most recent visit to the hospital, before being securely archived for a legally defined duration. Your administrative data will also be conserved for a legally defined duration.

You have a full right of access, correction and restriction, which you can exercise :

  • by email :
  • by post : Fondation Hôpital Paris Saint-Joseph, Délégué à la Protection des Données – 185 rue Raymond Losserand – 75674 Paris cedex 14

You also have the right to make an appeal to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL — The French Data Protection Commission) by writing to :

3 place Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 Paris cedex 07
or by telephone : 01 53 73 22 22 or via the Commission’s web-site :

See the charter